Learning More and Doing More for Children with Cancer

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month—and a perfect time to learn more about how you can make an impact on every cancer, every patient, everywhere.

“Many of these drugs are meant for adults, they’re not meant for children. These kids are taking things their grandparents took. It’s not right. It’s not acceptable.”

-Nicole, whose son Leo survived a rare kidney cancer under the treatment of Conquer Cancer-funded oncologist Dr. Jenny Ruiz.

Do you know how many kids will face cancer this year? How about the amount of research funding dedicated to conquering this disease? Or how long it takes pediatric cancer drugs to reach clinical trials?

With September being Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, this is a powerful opportunity to step into the shoes of the kids, families, physicians, and researchers who tackle this challenge every day. And, while pediatric cancers are generally considered rare, their rarity doesn’t make them any less difficult for those facing them. In fact, did you know:

  • It takes 6.5 years longer for pediatric cancer drugs to reach clinical trials than adult cancer treatments?
  • Less than 1% of clinical trials are focused on treating childhood cancers?
  • Cancer is the #1 disease-related cause of death among children?

To make a difference, it’s critical that we learn more about the barriers standing between the childhood cancer community and the treatments needed to help patients heal and thrive. What will it take to create a world where pediatric cancers are prevented or cured, and every survivor is healthy? What do we need in order to make an impact on every childhood cancer, every patient, everywhere? What we know is this: Research is the surest path toward new and better treatment options. And that path is paved by funding.


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More Resources

A Life Dedicated to Researching and Treating Childhood Cancers

Learn how Dr. Jenny Ruiz is working to break down language-related barriers experienced by patients and families dealing with childhood cancer.

How Childhood Cancer Breakthroughs Happen

Between risk aversion and limited funding, childhood cancer breakthroughs are often slow to arrive. Dr. Jessica Lake’s career shows what happens with a leap of faith and funding.

What Do You Know About Childhood Cancer?

Find out what you do and don’t know about childhood cancer. Take our quiz.