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Nine projects led or supported by researchers who previously received early-career funding from Conquer Cancer, the ASCO Foundation are featured in Clinical Cancer Advances 2021: ASCO's Annual Report on Progress Against Cancer.

Stephen A. Cannistra, MD, FASCO, was among the first scientists to define the mechanisms by which ovarian cancer cells spread throughout the peritoneal cavity. His work further defined the role of apoptosis in mediating chemotherapy-induced killing of ovarian cancer cells, as well as the possibility of using gene expression arrays to predict chemotherapy responsiveness in this disease. In the clinic, he was one of the first to show that the anti-angiogenic agent bevacizumab was active in patients with recurrent disease, paving the way for using this drug in the first-line setting.

These distinguished awards recognize oncology fellows and trainees who are first authors on top-ranking abstracts selected for presentation at the virtual Genitourinary Cancers Symposium on February 11-13, 2021.
Conquer Cancer, the ASCO Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2021 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium Merit Awards.
Former ASCO president (2019 – 2020) Howard A. 'Skip' Burris III, MD, FASCO, FACP, the president and chief medical officer of Sarah Cannon, will serve as chair of Conquer Cancer’s Board. Dr. Burris, who has served on the Board since 2017, will replace Thomas G. Roberts, Jr., MD, FASCO, who served a five-year term as chair.
Conquer Cancer, the ASCO Foundation is pleased to announce Clinton Yam, MD, as the recipient of the 2020 Fairman Career Development Award (CDA).

For PR Professionals

Media Contact:
Vicki Kilpatrick
Senior Coordinator, Science and Research Communications
(ASCO Marketing & Communications)


Phone: 571-483-1368